Monday, May 31, 2010

Movie Night

Today was very chilled, most of it spent waiting to go get my money from the psycho bunny which in the end didn't happen - no surprises there.

Had a good evening; just got back from dinner at Spur and watching Iron Man 2 with Guy & Richard @ Brightwater Commons. I think I'm a bit too tired these days to keep up - nearly fell asleep in the movie. Not sure if that's an indication of a crap film or my energy levels... After the film we stopped in at Brightwater's bowling alley / bar and I played one game of pool against Richard; it is very clear I need to stick to being a bar fly :)

Spoke to the new landlord today; all good to start moving in tomorrow so I'm excited about that.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vuvuzela's - just not big enough

Because I'm sure that's what you were thinking! They just can't possibly make enough noise at their current diminutive size. No worries. Fixed.

A Better Weekend After the Previous Week's Insanity

Last weekend and weekend previous were from hell. From mails I sent:

So, turns out I’ve been living with a psycho. Sunday he finds out he can’t
go back to CT because he has no place to stay and no job confirmed, so it dawns
on Mr that he no longer needs me around to look after his stuff and his cats.
Sunday evening he tells me I must leave immediately, never mind the R13k plus he
owes me for the rent and security deposit and food etc I have covered since
we’ve been here; I tell him I move when he pays me. I tell him yesterday
afternoon I have found some places available from the 1st, just need some of the
money he owes me for deposit so I can move. He says he’ll give me R4k end of the
month. He then proceeds to hole himself up in spare room with his bible, goes
out for an hour, then comes back with complex security to have me forcibly
removed. Lease is in his name so I cannot dispute it and am given a whole 20
minutes to pack some clothes and get out.

I am staying with Charlene
until the 1st when I move into garden cottage close to Wanderer’s stadium owned
by orsm off the wall family who I met yesterday morning. Rob is “allowing” me to
go to flat tomorrow to pack rest of my stuff.

I’ll be dragging the c**ts
arse to small claims court – the fact that lease is in his name and payments all
came from my account are apparently enough to do so.

Flabbergasted does
not even BEGIN to describe it.

I got to the flat at about 8am; he took FOREVER to unlock the door, sounded like
he had wrong key or something. Once I was inside I realised why – he’s put those
security vibes in the keyholes – the key that leaves a piece / lock behind in
keyhole to prevent anyone from unlocking the doors with a regular key. Felt like
commenting “I’m not the thief here”. Didn’t bother though, as I said to Roger on
MSN I don’t need to f*** with him mentally, he’s doing a fine job on his own 
So I start packing, then need to get stuff to my car. I look for keys – he’s
taken them upstairs with him LOL. So I have to get him to keep opening gate and
then he stands around waiting so that he can lock it again as soon as i am
inside. At one point he asks me where Lizo is (Eugene’s driver) and I said to
him look you have stuff you wanted to do – if you’re going to stay here guarding
me all day that’s your choice, but I think it’s at least two loads of stuff.
Asked him if he thought I was going to pick up his washing machine and run down
the road with it. The c*** eventually left me to my own devices at around 12.
Thankfully Lizo and the guys managed to do everything in one load so I got to
leave with all my stuff without having to see the prick again.
Spoke to him
about the money, and he reckons he has spoken to his boss and I can come get R4k
cash on Monday from him. With regards to his “payment plan” he says R500 a
month. I initially said fine okay, but after thought hang on – you earn R11k a
month (that’s what I’ve been told, could be more). His bond in CT is paid by
Raph’s rent; his car is paid off, and he lives 8km from work so petrol is
negligible. His rent + water & lights is R5500. So how must I settle for
R500 a month? That’s 17 months of f’n payments. So I ask him about this and he
gets all nasty and says “This is NOT a negotiation, that’s all you are getting”.
I’m not prepared to argue with a nutcase, so I said fine, I’ll sort it out. By
that I mean as soon as I have my R4k, I’m sending Allan his way to explain
nicely to him that I will accept R2k a month.
Last night Shereen and them
had a braai which I stayed for, got back to Pta at about 11:30 and had a good
night’s sleep. Today gonna try get some order out of the 3 suitcases with
clothes shoved in em and go get rat food for Engelbert as its in a box somewhere
LOL. IOW, I’m chilling.

So, that was my last week, and good riddance to the SOB. We'll see tomorrow if it actually does give me the R4k as promised. This past weekend was very cool; Nel and Sandra were here from CT for the weekend so I spent it with them from Friday in Roodepoort and dropped them off this morning at the airport.
Friday we did a ridiculous amount of driving during the day so we just got some Romans pizza and chilled.

Saturday morning we all went to go visit Shereen and it's teh first time Nel saw Kyle so that was cool. From there dropped the two of them off in Sandton so they could go watch the rugby match and I headed off to Brightwater to chill and read until Guy got off work. We had a good few beers then headed to Nicole & Brendan's in Bellevue for dinner. Vegetarian lasagna, salad and home made cheesecake. Must say,m that lasagna was NOM. Must actually get the recipe from Nicole for that.
After dinner headed back to Sandton to go pick up Sandra and Nel and we all four went for a few beers at Paddy's before dropping Guy at home and heading back to Roodepoort.

Had to drop them off at 8 this morn and then headed back "home" to Charlene's. Been chilling all day and had a nice afternoon sleep to catch up on teh lack of it recently. Something is smelling rather tasty so my tummy is looking forward to dinner.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I've had enough of it, truly. Now Rob has done a 360 and has turned nasty. Too many ridiculous accusations and character assassinations to bother going into, suffice to say I'm peeved and disappointed. We'll see how it rides out. Right now he wants me out the house asap, and I can't go anywhere until he pays back the money he owes. Fair is fair. Pay back, I go. Fucking men. You bend over backwards to do the right things and try your utmost to be considerate and you get kicked in the teeth for it every time. I now KNOW I want to stay single for the foreseeable future.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Frisbee and friends

Today was cool, met up with Nicole and Brendan and their kids and had some frisbee fun @ Jhb Botanical Gardens. Rob has gone off to have lunch and watch the rugby with some friends in Centurion, should be back not too late, then hopefully will get some Gears if War playtime in :)

Random peeps pitched at the gardens and invited us to play with them - they were playing frokker and my chest is still a bit stuffed so I elected myself as babysitter of teh sprogs as opposed to playing - was fun to watch though :)

No plans for tomorrow really though I'm hoping to take Paprika to the gardens for a bit of a run around. Right, off to make myself something to eat.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Life, it's looking pretty good :)

I've managed to pull myself out of the funk since Monday and it's been a great week over all. Some drama and downs but nothing worth poring over; the ups have stayed up front and pulled ahead of the pack over all :)

Have started helping out at best buddies place with work stuffs; very mindless but it gets me out of the house, keeps me busy, and should yield a few bob extra so all is good there. Also, this week saw two new things to do wrt Xboxgamer site. Next Wednesday is an Infinia launch for the new LED LG 3D screens which will be cool to check out, and today was a free movie @ Monte. Saw Prince of Persia which was surprisingly orsm - go watch it! After hung about with some reviewers and had coffee and spoke kak which was great fun.

Wednesday eve went to see Diamonds & Dust at The Barnyard - got comps from a newly met friend who is in the production, so that was cool. After we went with him to his local - landed up drinking with newly found friend who happens to be an Irishman til 3 in the morning and being treated to imromptu jazz session courtesy of an American trumpet player who is a friend of the irishman.

Last night spent time with my friend and colleague in Pretoria before heading through to Lynnwood to see a friend who is hear on business from CT. We went out to a cool restaurant and had egte boere kos which was orsm; got home about 11. I am now overtired.

So, a great week and it's noce to know I actually have a life and peeps out there to spend time in it with. Looking forward to being on my own here now.

Monday, May 17, 2010


It's Monday. Another Monday in an endless succession of Monday's. That cold took it out of me for the most part over the past week +; but thankfully it seems to be going away. Been sleeping a lot which has helped but alas has also had the side effect of making me terribly lethargic and completely undriven to do much of anything really. Need to kick myself out of this funk.

Boredom leads to apathy I've found, and I'm really really struggling to bother to do anything more these days than play Treasure Isle on facebook and watch endless episodes of CSI. I know the signs; I'm slipping very close to depression here but I'm not too concerned about it as I know what factors are contributing and those hsould all resolve within the next month at the most. It's just getting through that month that is really proving to be a challenge. Each day seems more meaningless and fruitless than the next. Really lonely today; craving some company of the human variety - the pets just don't quite cut it after a while LOL.

Best friend discussed possibility of me helping out at the office with some stuff they have to do; I don't have enough to keep me busy in my own job at the moment so I'm hoping that'll come through to at least get me out of the damn house and doing something vaguely useful.

Also contemplating volunteer work with one of the animal places; need to read up about what's in my area. Of ocurse, that requires action, which at this point I seem quite incapable of hahahaha. I'll get there eventually, just venting atm.


Saturday, May 8, 2010


*choke cough splutter*

Damn cold has gotten it's hooks into me, feeling like crap today. OD'ing on Med Lemon and Flusin should hopefully have the desired effect; though I suspect a bottle of whiskey would sort it out quicker...

My preview was published, and I've been told there's a possibility of another one next week, so holding thumbs for it as it's a game from a franchise I really enjoy :)

Things between bf (I suppose that's ex bf really) and I are not bad at all; he's being very understanding and supportive about everything and we're doing our best to enjoy each other's company while he's still here, though tearful moments are frequent. He is at work atm, but app very happy about some news - I'm suspecting it has to do with the job in CT and his moving back so I suspect I may be on my own sooner than I anticipated. A very scary thought indeed, but it's for the best in the long run. Must just keep reminding myself of that LOL.

Managed to take paprika for a very short walk about the complex earlier; was contemplating taking her round twice until a tell tale fever sweat broke out and I decided the Med Lemon was calling me back. I've spent the day watching TV and generally just lying about, more of it coming up now.

Like everybody else, I hate being sick :(

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I couldn't think of a suitable title for today, so we'll go with a comment oft used by Eeyore.

It's been a tough couple of days. Hell, it's been a tough half a year if I really want to get to the point. Today saw a turning point in what will hopefully be the beginning of a new chapter and ultimately a start to sorting out my muddled little head. Unfortunately, this neccessitates me being alone to do this, so it also heralds the end of relationship with bf. Things are amicable at present and we've agreed to make the most of each others time before he quite possibly moves back to CT, let's hope it stays this way and we do indeed enjoy each other while we're still living together. An odd and potentially volatile situation, but one that can work if we're both adults about it. Here's hoping. I've had enough stress and drama to last me at least 5 years over the past few months, and I really don't want another enemy.

On that note, something fun and exciting today - I did my first game preview which should be published tomorrow, will post link once it is up. Apparently my writing isn't absolute drivel, so I'm pleased by that LOL.

Spent the evening doing teh write up for the game, then took out Shrlock Holmes on DVD. I don't think I'm in the right frame of mind to watch it as it didn't enthrall me as I expected it would / had been told it would. It was okay.

I'm now going to play some Treasure Isle and then read some Pratchett, and hopefully get a decent nights sleep unmarred by life's tiresome woes.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

It was a dark day for the most part

But in a literal sense - power cuts. Power was off when I got up to take Paprika out for a wee at about 6am, and stayed off until about 6pm. Spent the day reading and sleeping, then popped down to Outer Limits thinking I'd have supper there with bf due to there being no power at home; but bf was busy with reservations coming in, and the idea of dinner on my own just didn't appeal. Left after a cappuccino and picked up some McD's for supper. Got home and power was back on, so decided to get a DVD.

Got New Moon, got home, went to put DVD in PS3 and the power went again. I suspect the emo angst of Bella was just too much for the grid to handle. It came on again, and stayed on for me to watch the film. These sparkly vampires and equally sparkly eyed werewolves do make for some nice eye candy when you're home alone.

Feeling remarkably awake considering the almost 2 bottles of red wine consumed last night on my own and dl'ing tunes til 2:30am. The extra sleep time put in during todays power cuts obv did the trick. Hoping I get sleepy soon though, as there's only so much Treasure Isle I can play and, more importantly, I'm almost out of smokes and still waiting for my pay to clear.