I spent most of my day shopping for neccessities for the new abode, then had my hair cut (long overdue!) and then got home and started unpacking the various accoutrements required to live a civil life he he he. At some point in the evening I was visited by Wendy, my landlord, and she brought along chicken for Paprika and a full meal for me - very sweet! Anyway, we landed up drinking the two bottles of wine I'd bought today to keep in the cupboard for "just in case" and had a lovely chat. Also, had a psychic reading that was hectic and accurate - confirmed a lot of things I have been feeling and thought and had a lot of things in it I'm edeavouring to forget - you can't live your life waiting for that one moment and putting everything on hold or you f up the entire path to that moment.
Anyway, was a great night for me over all and I'm feeling very happy here which is great. The one thing I am still battling with is company, or lack thereof. I suppose that comes with time, will just have to weather the storm. It's amazing how used to a warm body you get. Sleeping on my own is completely alien to me and will take some adjustment.
Now for todays "interest":

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