Today went back to gym finally - found a Curves that's very close by and enjoyed my workout which no doubt I will suffer like all hell for tomorrow. Was also terribly proud that I managed that today after having quite a bit of wine and a beer and some Jarger last night while watching the Germany vs Spain match with Wendy and fam last night. Wendy made a feast of food to eat; was fun :)
Earlier in the week was somewhat annoying dealing with the nutcase ex bf, but I eventrually lost my patience and put him in his place with a scathing e-mail repsonse and now I think officially I can expect not to hear from him again :)
In not so great news the ex hubby is not doing so great at all - pretty much adopted a "waiting to die" attitude. sent my response which was pretty much "your choice, get off your arse and change it" and now I'm just staying out of it. Drama and myself just don't mix these days, sorry. I'm not a person fixer upper anymore.
Must get to bed at a decent hour tonight - breakfast with boss at 8am then meeting with buyer and boss at 11am :)
POI for today? I have no fucking clue tbh. Let me go find something quick....
*time lapse*
Aaaah, here ya go - a 1:1 Gundam built in Japan that'll be up until March 2011. ORSM.

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