Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More detailed post

Is needed I think, due to my long absence. Okay, so I got a call on the 3rd of November to tell me the company is liquidating, and there is no money for me. Oddly enough, had a Kinekt / Xbox Live launch to go to for a buddy to cover, so that was my perfect opportunity to network with all buyers - feel shite that it landed up being a ME night as opposed to a web pic night as it shoulda been, but such is life. Had a few votes of confidence from friends and industry peeps which helped, but it really is the worst time of year to achive anything retail wise. Evereyone's budgets are tied up until 2011 and you're pretty muvh fucked. Still, even with those constraints, my products have done well and I'm proud of a job well done by me and even got a new customer on board which is great :)
I have no idea what will happen going forward; I'm not thrilled about what I had to do to get the financial backing - ito giving up part of "my company", but I had no choice for finance reasons and will have to manage that as I go.
Overall, I am flat broke, behind on my rent, overdue on my bills, and still loving life :) There is something about working for yourself that makes it worthwhile. I packed 67 boxes two weeks ago and was fucking crippled as an after effect for 4 days after, and I didn't care. When you know it's for YOU, it makes a difference.
Love life - Chris. The man is an absolute dream simply put. I love his family too, so bonus :)
Oh hell, you haven't had the update on mom; she passed away. I think that's about the time I stopped typing. I sometimes (but not often it must be said) feel guilty for not "feeling" more, but hey, that's the way she chose the relationship. Was cleaning out my cupboards today, and honestly, I felt more seeing a photo of Pat (Michael's mom) than my own. You choose how people feel about you more often than not.
Christmas weekend was great fun - spent Saturday wih Reen and the family with Chris, and Sunday with Chris' whole family - both were orsm fun. This eve went round to Reen's for a braai. We got there after they'd all eaten but still had a good meal and some good laughs and dicussions.
Shereen was in CT for the past week, she only got back on Friday. She saw Michael at the Spar and he gave her a wide berth. WTF. I'll never understand that shit. Thankfully, not ,my issue to comprehend, so all fine.
Learnt so much over these past few months really, and I hope I hang on to the lessons.

Wow, long time, etc :)

It's been a rather eventful past few months, to say the least. Company went *bang*, couldn't pay me. So, me being me, decided to find investors for the current model and continue - it's what I'm good at after all. Done, and then the previous boss calls me out of the bue to tell me "business as usual". Ummm, no, too late. Anyway, I started business at the worst possible time of the year, but early indications are good, so now I wait and see what the new year holds. Love life is orsm; smitten with my man and all is well going on 3 months now :) Aside from the constant bother of having no money, life is rather enjoyable ;)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Epic Weekend :)

Friday I went off to rAge and met up with Danny, Marc and Nandrew and missioned about. rAge this year was more fun than previous; combination of cool shit to look at and great company. Microsoft's Kinekt looks like I need to own it after watching Marc, Danny and others do the dancing game on it - looks like super super fun. Too shy I was to try it out for myself - not nearly enough confidence possessed to do gangsta rapper style moves in front of a horde of strangers he he he. I didn't get hands on with Move, but have been told by a few reliable sources who have been hands on with it that it is uber responsive and well worth it. Matter snot, funds are limited and I need a decent screen first, so both Kinekt and Move will have to wait. Got some hands on time with AC Brotherhood multiplayer which is great; I can see myself playing that online (when Telkom eventually activate my ADSL...). Also, watched Marc playing the vanquish demo which is yet another game that is now on my radar - fast paced shooter that just looks win. Sadly, Fable3 was not present - never delivered apparently. Contemplating Halo Reach for MP when I have my internets connected too.

Friday eve was dinner in Pretoria at La Pentola - left home at 6:30 and finally got there at 8:20; traffic was insane. An evening of many laughs and meeting new people, and getting to know some I have met previously a bit better. Was a great night and eventually left PTA around 12. Got home and traded a few sms'es with James, which eventually landed up with me driving to his place and watching all sorts of odd movies and series's episodes on various odd shit that was highly amusing until I eventually came back home at around 12 in the afternoon. Note - still hadn't slept at ALL since getting up Friday morning, so was oh so slightly DEAD on feet. Couldn't rest though as I had arranged to collect Guy after he finished up at work and take him through to rAge. So, home, quick shower, lie on couch for 15 minutes, then it was off to Brightwater to collect Guy. Met up with Guy and his friend Stephanie joined us, and we had a few beers at McGinty's, and I had 2 mana energy "potions" to attempt to revive my worn out body. Then, off to rAge and saw Danny et al again; left rAge at closing at 6pm, dropped Guy & Steph off and headed home to try and get some sleep before I had to go to Doors to meet up with Danny etc. Managed to get in a few hours sleep before being woken at 10pm by Danny to be told they were en route to Doors. Had quick shower, then decided to do my hair etc so I got to Doors just after 11pm. The sets that DJ was playing last night were KILLER. After a Monster energy drink, another Mana potion and a couple of tequila's, I was on the dance floor for many songs through the night. Was a great eve with many laughs - Danny and I were doing Kinekt moves on dancefloor as was Marc.. it is a highly contagious infiltrating kinda game that hahahaha. Epic dance / theater piece was done by Danny and I to Alice Cooper's Poison complete with him leaning in to "kiss" me and me dramatically pushing him away etc, which had Danny and I in stitches and also had a little fan club around us watching - most fun & laughs I have ever had on a dance floor :)
Nandrew had purchased some steam punk goggles at rAge in the day and was wearing them at Doors, that also was a constant point of amusement for all of us, and a constant ego booster / talking point and chick magnet for Nandrew :) I have the card for the chick who made them; going to find out about the "slim" chicks version - they are just pure WIN.
We all left Doors at around 5; Danny drove behind me home and he, Marc and Nandrew got to meet paprika and see my humble abode, then they headed home after a brief ten minute visit.
Today I only surfaced at around 11, showered and did the dishes (home has been severely neglected this weekend) and then raced off to Northgate to meet Danny, Marc and Nandrew at Steers for food before we headed to the dome for the last 2 hours of rAge weekend. More Kinekt dancing was done by all, including Nandrew. For somebody who was too shy (like myself) to do it the last 2 days; he kicked arse and got higher scores than either Danny or Marc managed to - must be the goggles :)
We then headed to Wimpy, where I realised my phone was gone. Marc called and it was off, so obviously stolen, but I headed back to the dome to check if anything had been handed in, no such luck. Apparently it will take at least 4 days to do all required paperwork / reports to get a replacement phone through Cell C which sucks, but not much I can do about it so no point in pining.
I am now at home finally and adapting to just being able to chill and not have to be anywhere for first time in what seems like forever hahahaha. Orsm weekend indeed :)
Tomorrow night is dinner at Tings in Hatfield with Danny, Marc, Nandrew and some others, so I am looking forward to that. Until then, I intend to rest, rest, and rest some more.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Updates etc

Work is still stressing the shite out of me... it seems we are on a better path, but it's always hard to tell really. Health is doing better at least, and although it's costing me a proverbial arm and leg, I'm getting shit sorted on that front and feeling much better physically than I have in a while :) Still no contact from the one person I was hoping to hear from after their "swan song" and various proclamations of how they didn't want to lose a friend. HA. HA. HA. Yeah, nice way to show that. On other fronts, a more cynical me has surfaced, but a happier stronger me for the most part. Not entirely thrilled about the cynical bit, but if that's what it takes to stay unhurt for the most part, so be it. Started a "challenge" with Reen & Nel; we're each trying to lose 6kg's by end of the year, so we'll see how that goes :)

This weekend is going to be orsm fun - Marc and Danny here for a bit so I get to see them, and tomorrow night is a forum / birthday dinner for people I don't really know so we'll see how that goes - going in on my own, wish me luck LOL. Doors scheduled for Saturday night, that should be fun, and of course it is rAge and Sexpo this weekend so YAY! Saw The Expendables this eve with Guy & Richard2 which was fun, and had 2 beers after with them so was a good eve all round. Now I'm sitting, at 03:40 in the morn, enjoying some red wine and music on my iPod. Hopefully I'll get tired soon :) Here's to a good weekend ahead!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


So over giving people the benefit of the doubt. Had a good weekend, and had that good weekend with the people I have always known and can count on. As usual, gave certain people a chance, and they stuffed it up. So, for the rest of you, pffffft. Not quite what I want to say, but some kid may happen upon this, so rather not...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yeah, whatever

This past month has been a fuck up of epic proportions. Work is on the fucking brink of shutting down, causing me endless stress. I still haven't got a copy of my mother's death certificate from my mother's bf, I think I'm in love with a friend who doesn't feel the same way. Yeah, fucking awesome. Missing people I shouldn't miss, and not missing those that think I should miss them. Money, as always, an issue. So fucking sick of trying to make everybody feel like everything is okay. Easy way to deal with that. Just don't talk to people. Fake smile and nod, and just keep relations to a minimum. Doesn't always work, but for the most part, seems to do the trick. I know it is a phase, just tired, as they say - "This too shall pass". Don't get me wrong, have fun times in between - actually had a fun filled eve and day with Reen and Ian today. The problem is, eventually you get home, and you're alone with your thoughts. The past month is showing me who I can and cannot depend on, and it isn't what I thought, so not a pretty picture. Time to realise I give too much, and stop. Easier said than done. I tend to make excuses for those around me. I would say I need somebody about to kick me when this happens, but, knowing me, I'd kick back. LOL. FML right now, seriously. Oh, and fuck all those that I counted on, and weren't there when I needed them.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Universe sends you people

I had to share this as the timing in hindsight is just mind blowing to me and I can't view it as coincidence. It gives me a warm feeling and some feeling of spirituality when things like these happen :)

I had a hair appointment yesterday morning and had a half hour to kill, so popped into Wimpy for a cuppa joe and a smoke. At one of the tables was an old man who greeted everybody who came into the section with enthusiasm and a very friendly nature. Most looked at him as if he were nuts, I sat at the table next to him and we quickly struck up a conversation.

He is 58, on a government disability as he is manic depressive and bi-polar, and just ahd a lovely friendly nature. Described himself as a "poet, artist and carpenter". We chatted about many things and I bought him a cup of coffee, but at one point he looked at me and said "I want to give you a poem Chantal".

He gave me this, handwritten on a blank ulined page in a scrawled cursive, and signed it himself:


Remember me they be glad

Joyous times they had

Say goodbye, all are sad

Wondorous times were had

Leaving home all be lost

Yes the mighty cost

But I will not be bossed

Future times the past

Now be gone without a trace

Heading for a place in case

Survival is the time in place

Starting up again a new venture replace

I related to it in a vague way just from life experiences, but then found out lunch time yesterday that my mom had passed in her sleep Friday night / Saturday morning. So when dave handed me this poem, my mom had already gone.

The universe really is an amazing place.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Obligatory Update

Isn't it amusing how when things are going well, or at the very least without too much drama, that I tend to forget about bothering with blog updates? I suspect I am not the only one. We need "ears" or "eyes" or the delusion of them when we're down in the dumps I guess far more than when things are okay.

Anyway, all is well and I got back on Tuesday from an orsm trip to CT yet again paid for by my good friend Warwick :) Top on my priority list at the moment is to save enough to pay for my own flight and visit; while he has the means to do so it's not fair that all my visits are bank rolled by him. Aside from spending an obviously large amount of time with Warwick, also managed to meet up with Marc, Danny, Rodain and Stu for lunch / breakfasts etc which was very cool.

Work has been going fairly well with new products and new listings, so I'm positive about that at the moment. This weekend hopefully sees a meet up with a friend I haven't seen in quite some time who is finally moving back to SA, scheduled for Sunday so hopefully still on. Also want to do a braai at some point with Reen, must give her a call tomorrow, as well as Nicole - feel like I've been neglecting people somewhere along the way and must fix that. Today finally ordered and paid for Shaun of the Dead DVD - WIN! Been dying to watch that again for ages but my vid store doesn't have it. Soon I shall be a happy Simon Pegg fan yet again :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Things Amusing Me Today :)

Had a cool eve last night at Tings with Danny and Helene and a whole host of others, was good fun but got home at 3am and woke up at 7, so I'm a bit buggered! So today's post will be kept short, I just had to share some things making me giggle today:

And the REAL story behind Animal Crossing: http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/Animal%20Crossing/Update%207/index.html

Monday, August 9, 2010


Has been a very cool past almost week, with lots of activity and good times with friends from CT. Nel arrived on Wednesday afternoon so picked her up and we had a braai with Shereen and Ian. Thursday night we joined Ian and Shereen again. Ian made a kick ass lamb curry and we all watched Law Abiding Citizen together with Gerard Butler which was WIN. Friday morning had to get up super early to get Lyon at the airport; Friday day Nel, Lyon and I went to JHB zoo.

Very impressed with JHB Zoo - saw my first gorilla which was great and they have pretty decent enclosures over all for the animals. They do Zoo trots which are 5 or 10km walks at the zoo which I am keen to do, have mailed them to confirm next dates and find out if dogs on leads are allowed.

Friday evening I dropped Nel off at friends of hers in Randburg for a braai, and Lyon and I had prawns at Scrooges at Brightwater, then to McGinty's for a few drinks until Nel was ready to be collected. Saturday afternoon took Nel to the airport and Sat eve Lyon and I went to a braai at Shereen and Ian's which was great fun, then we all headed off to Doors and Danny came through. Didn't speak to Danny much at all but will be meeting up with him in Pta at Tings 'n Times tomorrow night, so that will be cool.

Yesterday Lyon and I just got a DVD and I made a chicken roast for us, and this morning dropped him off early (up at bloody 5:30!!!). Picked up three DVD's for myself and have just been chilling the day. Going to watch Gossip Girls at 9 then hit the sack, want to go back to gym tomorrow morning. Still have a cough but overall feeling better.

Today's POI is the gorilla from Jhb Zoo, Makoko. He is simply beautiful :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm still alive!!

Damn cold knocked me out for most of the week, but thankfully seems to have scuttled off now. Just in time too - a busy week ahead. Weekend was good fun though, was Charlene's 30th birthday party at a venue in Pretoria that was quite cool. Didn't think I'd enjoy it much what with not knowing anyone she does but actually had a really fun time :) Didn't do much of anything else this weekend past; was too busy recovering first from the cold and then the hangover LOL

This week I have Nel arriving on Wednesday affternoon, that eve we're going to go braai with Reen and Ian. Thursday I potentially have breakfast with boss and have to head to a customer at 10am, not sure about rest of day. Friday morning collect Lyon from airport, then Shereen, Nel, Lyon and myself hopefully doing the JHB zoo thing, that eve drop Nel in Randburg so she can have a braai at one of her friend's places and Lyon and I will probably go visit with Reen and Ian until nel ready to be collected as he wants to see them while he is here. Saturday morning drop Nel at airport, Saturday evening Doors with Shereen, Ian,Lyon and Danny :) Monday morning drop Lyon at airport. Fun times ahead :) Don't be surprised if it's another week until next update!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend of fun and lungs about to cave

Damn cold has snuck up on me and coughing like a trouper... my own fault for persisting in smoking so can't really bitch hahahaha! far too lazy to type out the weekend's fun, so here's a cheat - a copy paste from an earlier mail.

Friday night went to a braai at Shereen’s and her and Ian had bought steak for everyone which Eugene cooked to perfection – best steak I have had in a very very long time! Got home at about 11 and chatted to Dave who was online loading stuffs onto the Subterania site, and then decided I didn’t want to go sleep so decided to finally drag my butt off to Doors. Found the spot where my GPS said it was but couldn’t tell exactly which building as haven’t been there in about 2 years, so I asked the one car guard. He pointed and then said “I’ve got crack, rocks, or anything else you looking for, good stuff!”. LOLLLLLLLLLLLL never thought I’d be offered drugs by a car guard – welcome to JHB!! Cover was R20 which was fine, but then went to bar and damn near had heart failure after I ordered myself a tequila and a beer – R45!!!! As I’d only taken a R100 with me had pretty much 3 beers (switched to Labels which were R15) the whole time I was there. Pretty much people watched and enjoyed the music chilling on me own on upper level watching peeps dance below me, and DJ even played a song I requested so that was cool. Left when the lights came up and they started sweeping which was at around 5am. Will definitely go again and was the first time I’ve actually ever gone out on my own really without feeling self conscious or out of place, so was a little milestone for me he he he.

Saturday morning got woken up at around 8:30 by the dogs and then lazed in front of telly drinking Hot Toddy’s to try get rid of this cold (voice pretty much gone by the time I woke up) until Guy arrived at 12. Then went to check out Icon feeling like a f’n wreck on 3 hours sleep and with a cold. Icon is okay, but very much focused on Magic and Dawn of War 40000 or whatever that series is called, so that was a bit dull for me. If it was after pay day would’ve been cooler so I could actually get something but probably just as well as they had a few things would have loved to get. Outer Limits had a Sauron bobble-head!!! WIN!!!!!!! Animeworx also had a stand there and as usual some awesome Gundam kits. Spoke to the one dude from AWX and he will do 4 hours lessons with me in his home studio on airbrushing etc to do a MG Gundam properly for around R350, so will deffo look at doing that as soon as I can afford to; have to obv get the Gundam and tools first so will be a while as I’m sure that’ll cost....

After icon came home and was truly stuffed so had an hour and a bit snooze while Guy played Enchanted Arms, then was off to dinner at an Indian place in Rosebank called Bombay Blues for Nicole’s bday. Bought a massive can of Play en route and felt a lot better at dinner and more awake. Food was awesome and company was great – Shereen and Ian were also there and a friend of Nicole’s named Mocke (pronounced like the coffee) who is a film lecturer of some sort and a complete nutcase – he myself and Nicole were having lekker laughs about the underlying sexual connotations of the Catholic faith (eat my flesh, drink my blood etc). Mocke even sang Happy Birthday to Nicole loud at the table in an Elvis manner which you had to see and hear to appreciate. All that was missing was the jumpsuit and rhinestones...

Yesterday played some Gears with Guy and slept a little in the arvo, then watched telly pretty much til about 11 and got into bed to read and go sleep. Think my sleep pattern a bit too stuffed up, finished my book at about 3 this morn (Anthony Keidis’ autobiography which is really good reading) and this was with a cold and after a sleeping pill. This morn got woken by Paprika barking at gardener again at 8:30 so yet again too little sleep when I fully intended to sleep the cold off today. Ah well, awake and not feeling too bad and had a really fun weekend so all is well 

And that’s my essay :)

And here's a POI for today; bartenders now making Bioshock themed drinks! ORSM.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

APB The Human Avatar - WTF?

Okay, so an admittedly sad and slightly disturbing concept even to somebody who enjoys games themselves, this idea has some merits and could have turned out quite well. Instead, they take an average Joe Soap and the public votes to make him look like the least mean bad assed pansy on the block in the most unimaginitave way - and now the guy has a shite hairstyle, a nose ring, and wings that couldn't lift a dwarf. The saddest thing? The wings are permanent. Really. REALLY? Yes, really. Hit the link to see full "transformation" which will complete on Saturday after his clothes shopping... below are the dwarf wings.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Prime Circle Rocked :)

Was an awesome gig and enjoyed it thoroughly. Charlene and I were lucky enough to get pics with Ross at Outer Limits after the show which was cool - pics on FB :)

In other stuffs, here's POI for today as I've been neglecting those for a while; cracking me up for most of today is the site 27bslash6 by David Thorne, an Australian satirist. I've included one of the examples of his witty and oft times insane mail escapades to whet the appetite. Enjoy, and hit the link to entertain yourself further!

Using the Mattel® Magic 8 Ball to answer emails
I sent an email to a friend recently, asking several different questions, and he replied with the single answer "Yes, probably." It was obvious that he had either not bothered reading the email or could not be bothered answering my questions.
The next day when he emailed me, I replied using the Mattel® Magic 8 Ball™ to generate the random answers.

From: Simon
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 9.38am
To: David Thorne
Subject: No Subject

Have you got a typeface called Garamond Semibold? I have the Garamond and bold and italic but not the semibold. I am doing a poster for Cathy and I reckon garamond would look good.

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 10.02am
To: Simon
Subject: Re: No Subject

As I see it, yes.

From: Simon
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 10.43am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Garamond

Which one? Yes you have the typeface or that it would look good on a poster?

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 10.52am
To: Simon
Subject: Re: Garamond

Concentrate and ask again.

From: Simon
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 11.14am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Garamond

What the fuck? I need the typeface Garamond. Have you got it or not?

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 11.18am
To: Simon
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Garamond

You may rely on it.

From: Simon
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 11.29am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Garamond

Send me the typeface dickhead.

From: Mark Pierce
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 2.08pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Hey

Hey. Are you at work?

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 2.25pm
To: Mark Pierce
Subject: Re: Hey

Signs point to yes.

From: Mark Pierce
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 2.53pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Hey

What? Can you drop over on your way home from work and help me lift a piece of glass up onto a table? It is too heavy to lift.

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 3.22pm
To: Mark Pierce
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Hey

My sources say no.

From: Mark Pierce
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 3.49pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey

Are you serious? I tried lifting it a bit at a time and sliding books under it but I need heaps more books. Can you come for a quick drive now?

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 4.02pm
To: Mark Pierce
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey

Ask again later.

From: Mark Pierce
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 4.57pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: ?

Are you going to help me on the way back from work or not?

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 5.16pm
To: Mark Pierce
Subject: Re: ?

It is decidedly so.

From: Mark Pierce
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 5.24pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: ?

Good. Fuck you are annoying sometimes.

From: Justine Murphy
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 8.14pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Tree frogs ppt

Hi David, you forgot to send the attachment on your last email. Can you send it again please?

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 8.51pm
To: Justine Murphy
Subject: Re: Tree frogs ppt

You may rely on it.

From: Justine Murphy
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 9.15pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Tree frogs ppt

Ok. Can you resend it to me then please?

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 9.26pm
To: Justine Murphy
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Tree frogs ppt

Without a doubt.

From: Justine Murphy
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 9.44pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tree frogs ppt

???? Did you attach it?

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 9.51pm
To: Justine Murphy
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tree frogs ppt

Don't count on it.

From: Justine Murphy
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 10.27pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: ?

Are you fucking with me? Just attachment it ass hat.

From: Simon
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 11.28pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: No Subject

Are you online?

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 11.37pm
To: Simon
Subject: Re: No Subject

Concentrate and ask again.

From: Simon
Date: Wednesday 4 Feb 2009 11.41pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: No Subject

Fuck you.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekend was great :)

Played Gears and GH with Guy saturday, then we went to Nicole's for an evening of Scrabble. First two words on baord - "panty" and "vans". It could only get more twisted and funny from there :) Had a great time and Nicole and I both have minds in the sewers - all the laughter with only tea about! Was orsm :)

Today Guy left at around three / four, then had myself a lovely long hot bath.... this single thing can be a downer sometimes it must be said LOLLLLLLLLLL Really been enjoying chatting to UK man; great sense of humour and .... stuff. LOL

Tomorrow will be fun, Charlene coming by and we're doing store visits in the day and then seeing Prime Circle at Barnyard Fourways tomorrow night. Looking forward to that, going to be awesome.

Right, off to tend to crops in Frontierville, then bed I guess. It is Sunday after all.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Almost weekend!!

Feeling much better since Tuesday thanks to friends with logic and late night chats :) I did get another sms Wednesday basically thanking me for f'ing up his life and making him lose everything including his job. Whether he has actually lost his job or not I don't know, I did not respond and won't be doing so. Any shit he's in is self inflicted, and I'm finally starting to feel and beleive that it isn't my responsibility.

Wendy came up after that sms and asked if I wanted to go to the park with her and we took the digs along - turns out there is an orsm park a 5 minute drive from here and it's really cool. Nice large expanse of grass and tress and it is elevated which provides a good view of the area. That was nice to see - I often get rather sick of the fact that this town is so f'n flat .... the horizon looks so unfinished after being used to mountains most of my adult life.

Also been going to the gym regularly and am enjoying it again; nice to be active. Work seems to be on the verge of doing well, I just need to keep pushing. Meeting tomorrow so hopefully I can get some business back on track again and some new lines listed.

I haven't been doing any gaming at all - must get back to that. Reading has also fallen by the wayside for the most part, I tend to just read when I go to sleep at the moment. I blame the internet. I've gotten ridiculously hooked on Frontierville - damn you Zynga!!! LOL Also started chatting to somebody I "met" via Badoo - very cool ex Capetonian now living in the UK. I suppose I like the safety of chatting to somebody far away - it's safe :) Has a great sense of humour and very similar tastes and ways of thinking. Of course that could be BS but as it's all imagination and online anyway it makes no difference to me - it's just good clean fun :)

Still missing Warwick, or at least the idea of Warwick / somebody who is just that comfortable to be around with no expectations placed on you is a breath of fresh air.

Hmmmm... looks like I'll be going to bed now after all - was debating watching some more telly, but the power has just gone out. Thanks Eskom! Candle is lit and I have approximately an hour or two (I never recall) on this battery. Proably best just to get into bed and see if I'm ale to read by candle light.

Sweet dreams all :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


It's been a rough two days / nights for me. I'm thinking about Michael a lot lately. Not in the sense that I want him back - in the sense that there's an awesome fun loving person buried in that sick shell that should be out in the world and isn't. It kills me to see such a waste.

And I discovered last night, while looking for a specific photo, that I still cannot look at the wedding photo's without breaking down. I still haven't watched the wedding video... I have no idea when I'll actually be able to do that. I cannot reconcile that him with this him. It's just too sad.

And there's still that occassional doubt that lingers - did I abandon somebody selfishly that I could've fixed / helped? I guess I'll never know. But then I still maintain that you can't fix somebody without them wanting to fix themselves, so I guess that answers that question.

I need to snap out of this.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Russel Brand Vids

Because everybody should know who he is!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Cool eve, but slightly miffed atm

Wendy has kindly taken pappi into their home while I was out for the eve which is orsm as it's much nicer to have her warm and with her buddy Lily; but I'm miffed to get home to having my dog locked up in their house. Pappi keeps me warm and company while I am sleeping :( Anyway....

Was a cool eve at Reen's having a braai which was as always really tasty and I made a kick ass green salad (sprouts, red & yellow peppers, calamata olives, feta, rocket, baby spinach, onion). Played some Xboxen with Eugene and I possibly crossed a boundary there, but not giving a shit anymore is quite handy LOL.

Muscles are sore after being back at Curves and I'm struggling with sleep patterns and tiredness but it will setlle once I get into things I think - just glad to actually be back at gym :)

Work seems to be going well; will know for definite by end of next week I hope. It's been a cool week work wise and I'm keen to keep the momentum going :)

As it is now 6:13 am and the sun is rising, it is probably time for me to go to bed. I spent over an hour attempting to find Doors; alas, no luck. They were probably closed anyway; but I still enjoyed the drive :) So, bed, no POI. I'll make up for it, I promise!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Been getting quite a bit of work done lately business wise and at the cottage - finally managed to clean thsi place up properly and vacuum carpets etc after the bombshell that was teh bday braai has hit it. Also Siggy dug up the curtains for the kitchen which I put up this morn, so I now have actual privacy and stuffs wich is orsm :)

Today went back to gym finally - found a Curves that's very close by and enjoyed my workout which no doubt I will suffer like all hell for tomorrow. Was also terribly proud that I managed that today after having quite a bit of wine and a beer and some Jarger last night while watching the Germany vs Spain match with Wendy and fam last night. Wendy made a feast of food to eat; was fun :)

Earlier in the week was somewhat annoying dealing with the nutcase ex bf, but I eventrually lost my patience and put him in his place with a scathing e-mail repsonse and now I think officially I can expect not to hear from him again :)

In not so great news the ex hubby is not doing so great at all - pretty much adopted a "waiting to die" attitude. sent my response which was pretty much "your choice, get off your arse and change it" and now I'm just staying out of it. Drama and myself just don't mix these days, sorry. I'm not a person fixer upper anymore.

Must get to bed at a decent hour tonight - breakfast with boss at 8am then meeting with buyer and boss at 11am :)

POI for today? I have no fucking clue tbh. Let me go find something quick....

*time lapse*

Aaaah, here ya go - a 1:1 Gundam built in Japan that'll be up until March 2011. ORSM.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Birthday week officially over :)

Saturday was a blur but orsm fun - flight was delayed by a half hour so it was cutting it rather fine for my bday braai to start at 7 to get
everything ready, but Charlene was champion in getting evverything arranged and pretty much arrived with everything required :) It was an entertaining evening to say the least, but nothing bad or untoward in that respect, just a good piss up with friends.

I got home to two bunches of roses - one pink from Nina and one from her "interest" Daron which was very sweet. Also, entire cottage, stairs and all walls painted fresh crisp white and entire surrounding garden and brickwork cleaned up for braai. LOL, Wendy and Siggy are just plain fucking ORSM.
Yesterday had to go get Engelbert from Guy's place; he stayed over (too much of a risk to drive home drunk on scooter hahahaha) so we went off to Brightwater and I had 1/2kg prawns and then we went to go get Engelbert. Never thought I'd miss a rodent, but I did. Poor little bugger was just itching to be let out of his cage to run around a bit.
After that just uploaded photies from CT dinner and from Saturday's braai and then got an urge to clean out my "friends" list on Facebook, so did that til about 12. Always a problem for me after a heavy night, if I get up early I tend to just get over tired and keep on missioning til the wee hours of the next morn (and yes, still happening - contrary to what this blog tells you, it is now 12:19am). Bleh. Felt rather buggered this morn still but
managed to get some new work and price lists and catalogues done so that was cool. Also cleaned up the flat and started relocating the borrowed cushions / chairs / blankets to their homes so it looks like less of a midnight shelter now :)

This eve was the dinner with the girls (I attended 1 previously in March iirc) and it was cool. After Shereen and I went to Dros to have a few beers and shots then raced off home as Ian was throwing his topys - Kyle was app screaming. Hopefully she didn't get back to too much of a chilly reception; so funny how men just seem innately incapable of being left alone with a baby (even their own) for any extended period of time.
So now I'm home, buzzing on 2 beers and 3 Jargers ready for a party; alas, this is Jhb, and I have no idea what is open. This town really seems to die early week days but then I probably just don't know weher to go. Ah well, having a beer and will finish off the Sours (read: cooldrink) while listening to my iPod and then go sleep.

POI for today? Hmmmm.I rather like this picture, so have it.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Cape Town Trip

It has been orsmness :)

Got to Warwick's at about 11 Monday eve with a cab driver who mistook me for a passenger seat psychologist (why does this always happen to me with cab drivers?!?!) and Tuesday was a bit of a blur as I was dead tired from only getting to sleep at 5am Tuesday morn. Managed to grab a bit of a nap while Warwick was at work so come bday dinner time was all well and ready to go.

We went to Mainland China on Main Road in Claremont and it was great fun - everyone enjoyed their food from what I could tell and was great to see so many friends again I haven't seen in a while. Rae's lift f'd out so she couldn't make it but Warwick seemed comfortable enough with the oddballs I have as friends ultimately, and I am uber glad he went along even though he was "forced" into it by Rae he he he.

List of peeps who came: Nel, Sarita (friend of Nel, met her at Decodance previously), Lyon, Rob, Richard, Terri, Derrick, Stuart, Ian, Roger, Kirsten, Ute, Barry, Danny, Marc. It was a merry crowd and as usual Danny and Marc had the knack of making their end of the table into a gaming / comedic production which was orsm! Laughs all round really from everyone, such a cool bunch of friends I have. Warwick ended up "paying off" some of the staff to let us stay a bit longer as they usually close at 10pm weekdays LOL. We got back to Warwick's place at 11pm as he had to be on stnadby for some work stuff so near a PC - thank F nobody called or they would have had a call placed to two rather drunk people hahahaha.

Wednesday was feeling a bit fragile but had made plans to go out with Ute, so I dragged my butt out of bed and Ute took me to Peddlar's in Constantia where we shared some absolutely divine starters and each had a sinful dessert :)
Thursday morning Tracey met up with me at Cavendish and I got to see Xavier again - I cannot beleive how big that boy has gotten! Still full of smiles and adorable as ever. Thursday afternoon Neil & Waine picked me up and we headed to Forrester's and had some beers and some chilli poppers, and they very sweetly gave me Assassin's Creed for NDS as a bday gift - can't wait to check that out!

Yesterday Rae came round and we walked all over Cavendish and Claremont looking for boots for me (I lost the damn heel of the one boot and it's the only pair I have with me) - I spotted a pair at Europa I really wanted right up until I saw the price - R3200!!!! Fuck me!!! So we went hunting and I found two stunning pairs (black, of course) at Shoe HQ for a total of R870 - much more like it thanks very much. Warwick even approves ;)
Last night Warwick and I played some more L4D and *just* managed to finish a campaign on EASY - L4D2 is *HARD*. Or we just suck. Either way, was fun :)

Today alas is back to Jhb - really looking forward to birthday braai with Jhb peeps this eve, but I am going to miss Warwick and this gorgeous mountain view from his balcony. Ah well, such is life, can't have it all etc etc.

Oh, on some good news front - met with Bert yesterday morn and it appears it is back to business as usual, so time to pull up my socks and get shite done; looking forward to being able to actually work properly again. Also, he and Joyce are planning a trip to Antarctica (lucky buggers!) in January, so at this stage I may just be spedning a month in Cape Town while he is away. I'd drive up of course, so I hope so as that would be cool :)

K, today's POI is a 4 foot paper craft Gundam. There's a vid of it's making compressed to 4 minutes if you hit the link: From Paper to Insane 4 Foot Gundam in 4 Minutes

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pictionary is WIN

Yesterday picked Guy up and we played Gears, finished the first one and started on Gears 2, was great fun. Went to Nicoles for snacks and evening of board games; landed up playing Pictionary until 1:30 this morning. Was Nicole, Guy, myeslf and a friend of Nicole's Rika playing and we had many laughs :)3 women drawing, "picture" it HAHAHAHAHA.

Was really good to get out as Friday night was stressful here - not my drama for a change but landed up getting roped into it by sheer proximity. Wendy's dog Shaggy was knocked over Friday night and killed right in front of the house (there is a main street than runs past the front) which, coupled with too many drinks, seemed to make Wendy snap and go off at her family which ultimately resulted in cops being here and all sorts of crap. The worst about it at the moment is that Shaggy is still lying on a black bag right at the gate I use to get up to my cottage - I have to continuously walk past this poor dead dog :( I do hope they bury Shaggy soon, it's very sad to see.

Only fell out of bed at twenty to ten this morn and quickly went down to put a load of washing on, so going to go shower now, then hang the washing, then off to Shereen's place for a day potjie with her family and some of her friends, will be a great day I am sure :)

And tomorrow evening it's off to Cape Town!! YEAH!

Today's POI is more of Sheldon from BBT in the form of another t-shirt:

Friday, June 25, 2010


Feeling a bit nauseous atm (I'm putting it down to pork crackling I ate earlier), hoping some roasted veggies and a beef kebab will sort that out. This week has been rather uneventful over all, though yesterday was cool. Went to visit Nicole to say hi and then joined Wendy and Siggi at a sports club pub close by. They gave me a birthday gift and bought me a coupla beers which I thought was really sweet of them. Keeping the gift to open on Tuesday :)

3 more sleepies to CT :)

And that's all for today, or I might throw up on my keyboard from typing motion sickness.

POI - Saw Big Bang Theory on SABC3 the other eve, so went looking at some Sheldon shirts:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Then in CT :) Can't wait to see everyone again, going to be such fun!

This week certainly hasn't been productive in terms of exercising, but has been so on a social level so I'll take that thanks. Monday Charlene came by and we played GH the whole day and eve after doing some store visits. She's getting really good at it, but as she was rocking the damn power supply cut out again :( Will be getting my old XBOX 360 from Ian when I am in CT so back up power supply should resolve that issue until I can afford to get the new "slim" model. Yesterday felt rather tired (Charlene left here at 12 and I landed up chatting to Warwick until about 2:30am) but got my washing done at least LOL.

Watched the SA vs France game and Bafana did us proud; I actually watched an entire soccer match and enjoyed it - whou woulda thunk? :) Didn't make it through to the next round but at least they went out on a win which was cool. After the match Shereen invited me to join her, Ian and her dad at Dros up the road for something to eat and a few beers. My immediate reaction was "uurgh, short notice" followed by "hang on, I'm single, hell yes I'm coming". It's taking some getting used to, this not having to report to anyone vibe, and it's great :) Anyway, Dros was loud and everyone was merrily sloshed so the atmosphere was cool over all. Randomly ran into Jason, somebody I know from Cape Town and haven't seen in 3 years so that was very cool - had a shot and a quick chat with him and his girlfriend Robyn and exchanged numbers etc so hopefully I'm making the friends circle beeger (cue rip off of annoying ad campaign...).

Headed to Shereen's place after for a glass of wine and invited her dad to my birthday braai as well for the 3rd which I think he's really chuffed about. Spent some time chatting to Ian about work gripes he has and held Kyle for a bit while Shereen was having a smoke outside - he is just too damn adorable and got a few very cute smiles while he was sitting with me.

Today, no plans. Have sent a few work related mails I need some responses on to move forward with things but as is the current pattern I have nothing pressing to attend to. I'm starving so it's time to get some food....

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Sunday, "work" tomorrow, back to the week etc etc. This is a great thing indeed as it gets me closer to seeing CT friends again :)

Had a cool weekend all round, Guy was here and stayed over last night - played GH and Gears and felt less than 100% today due to far too much drinking done last night - a part in gears that should have been doable in my sleep seeing me killed twice was testament to the fact that imbimbing beers, apple sours and OB sherry probably NOT the best idea on earth he he he. Still, fun was had so all well.

Treated myself to new boots yesterday, two new tops and got my eyebrows done at Norwood centre up the road as I got my expenses paid earlier than I anticipated. Budget is really really tight atm (what's new) but I can afford these small splurges which is great, and I really needed to do it for myself.

I'm hoping this week ahead sees me being more productive, not really from a work perspective as lack of production there isn't really in my control, but for myself. I need to exercise again, been very bad with that lately and that sucks. I did take Paprika for a 15 minute walk yesterday morn; told myself it was a short walk because SHE couldn't handle any further he he he...

Things with Michael are apparently not going very wel at all based on things I'm hearing, but I'm not getting involved and refuse to. If I couldn't "fix" or help him when we were together, I sure as shit cannot do anything constructive about it now. It's sad, and I wish it were otherwise, but he's a big boy and must take responsibility for his actions and choices or suffer the consequences of them. It's just a pity that man is indeed not an island and others get caught in his own internal battle crossfire.

Today's POI; a rather amusing "beat poem" by Tim Minchin can be heard over here - I recommend listening and reading, or you'll miss many of the clever things he has to say / jibe about. Tim Minchin's "Storm"

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day of rest

And it's Friday, not Sunday. Today is an odd one, but not "bad" odd, just, odd. I've literally been sitting on the couch since 8am with really nothing achieved, reading Danny's Live Journal entries all the way from 2003 (he linked to a post in an IM discussion thsi morning about something we were chatting about and I just decided to keep reading from there) and sort of watching telly in the background.

The odd thing about today is that even though I am achieving nothing it isn't bothering me. Not usual for me. maybe I have finally gotten to that point of relaisation that feeling guilty about something you may just be able to do if you thought about something to do for long enough is pointless. If there is something to be done, I do it. If there isn't, so be it.

Flight for CT ha sbeen booked and paid for, so I am really really excited about that. Really looking forward to seeing the CT friends again and spending some time with Warwick, will be much fun :)

Today's point of interest has got to be a movie trailer I have watched no less than 6 times since this morning, it is just THAT funny!

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

On the 3rd watch through I realised that the "she dusts" Evil Ex-Boyfriend is Danny's twin in many ways. Then I REALLY laughed my arse off!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone! I'm going back to doing... nothing :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It's been a rather frustrating few days work wise, but right now I am on cloud nine because a good friend of mine in CT has offered to pay for my plane ticket to CT to spemd my bday there. It will piss off some peeps here, but I don't care. This year is about me, and this is who want to spend my bday with. Also, get to see CT peeps for my bday which is just fucking orsm.

No news of interest today, too busy watching E3 footage. DS3 anyone????

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Discoveries

On the Xboxen - the power supply switched itself back on so all appears to be well there for now; making arrangements to get another one anyway for back up... Tonight I'd like to start Bioshock 2 so let's hope I can do so without any problems.

Yesterday saw the start of the FIFA Soccer World Cup and the energy and vibe surrounding everything here is contagious and exciting. My car is now kitted out with SA flag mirror socks and window flags :) Wendy has had flags from all the countries put up on the top of the walls all round the house, so we continuously hear cars hooting and vuvuzela's blowing as people drive by in appreciation and thanks - very cool :) I was very sceptical about the World Cup and SA's ability to pull it off but yesterday for teh first time in possibly ever I actually felt patriotic and proud to live in this country with all they have achieved in pulling this event off under the scrutiny and naysaying of world wide critic and those at home, including myself. But they've done it and the kick off was superb and electrifying, with even me cheering Bafana Bafana on. I hope that the sense of togetherness and unity that has arisen from the soccer fever lasts and actually translates into a greater community sense overall affter the cup has run it's course. It's a month of celebrations so there's a chance the attitudes become habit, you never know. Here's hoping!

I was invited to the house to watch the opening match between Bafana Bafana and Mexico with Wendy and Siggi and stayed to have dinner with them and lots of wine - was a very cool evening that resulted in me sleeping most of my day away today LOL.

Again at a point in the evening my guides started channeling through Wendy to communicate some things and I "met" Annabella, my twin sister from a previous life in Italy and my main spiritual guide in this life. It was interesting and sounds completely unbelievable I know, but it's something I am taking in stride and not questioning at this stage. Wendy has given me a book to read on the spiritual take on relationships with everything in life which I will read and will attempt a synopsis / thoughts post on it after. I say attempt as I'm neither a non believer nor a "convert" - I resonate with many of the ideas of spirituality from a gut feel point of view but at the same time am a sceptic of many of the purported concepts and ideas of certain aspects of it. I guess I'm open to learning other view points really regardless of whether I relate to them as "fact" or not. I'm at a point in life that is a new journey and am appreciating the good people around me and the paths that have led me to somebody like Wendy at this stage in my journey and a time when I need to heal and mend and get to know myself. Regardless of whether I become a firm believer in all of this or just use the educational road of it for various aspects as I need it, it has come at a time where it is a comfort to me to believe I am not after all alone. That, I won't question :)


Today's point of interest is a Mario themed corset that is just too adorable for words!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Bloody thing switched off while playing Guitar hero 5... I've tried various plug points, no orange light on power supply. Praying it's just the power supply and not the Xbox itself. Will go through to Zaps tomorrow to test it with one of their power supplies and see. Ticked off, ever so slightly.

Well then, Drakes Fortune on PS3 it is.

The point of interest for today is the fact that I have managed to refrain from running out into the street and murdering somebody randomly.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This is just WIN


Some other costumes here

Monday, June 7, 2010

Loving My New Home... XBOX, Not So Much

Been trying to set up wireless network for the XBOX via my Vodacom 3G account for past two or more hours, with no success. Adnitting defeat now and heading off to bed shortly to carry on reading Terry Pratchet's Nation. Think a call to Telkom is needed to get ADSL sorted for the cottage; there's just no point fart arsing about with 3G, but I really would have liked to at least connect to unlock my arcade titles again :(

Anyhoo, all my stuff is now finally in - they delivered Saturday at about 4 and Nicole helped me organise the place; it really looks and feels like home now so I am super happy! Spent yesterday drinking beers and tequila and apple sours with Guy playing Guitar Hero, was great fun :)

Today actually got some productive work done for a change - amazing how settling down and having things organised just makes life more organised in general and changes your attitude immediately. Now it's not "uurgh what to do what to do" it's "shite, is that the time already?". Far more preferable to the months that have gone previously :)

I have many plans for this place as I plan to stay here for a long time to come. Things to do:
- ADSL line
- Super Mario Brothers game wall mural
- install shelves in "lounge" for gaming and movie related collectibles
- install shelves outside by entrance gate for herb pot plants
- attempt to do a decent shop for the "cooking for one" mind set LOL

It's going to be fun :)

Todays "interest" is all about ME!!! Pics of the new place below.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Moving On Up

No moving on out and something may stop me! LOL

Been a tad frustrating with the move as I am still waiting for the large items I couldn't bring from Shereen's place in my car. So, no TV, no bed, no couches, no fridge. They were supposed to come by yesterday afternoon but had and urgent job to do so now it will be this afternoon apparently. I hope so. Aside from not being able to watch any television or game last night Vodacom is having network issues again so I also had no internet. I've finished the last unread book I have, so here's hoping I do indeed get my stuff today.

I was supposed to go check out some bands at Emmerentia with Nicole today for MK's 5th birthday bash but now with the guys delivering I can't do that. Nicole will come visit me here so at least the day isn't a total loss, though I am a wee bit miffed that I'm missing a concert I won a free ticket to LOL. Still, it's JHB, there will be plenty more to see and do in the future.

For today's interest piece, there is a local film called Night Drive that will release in theatres soon that is a horror based on muti killings. Having watched the trailer seems almost like a Texas Chainsaw meets witchdoctors, so it should be quite gruesome. Trailer counts as "obscene" material so I'll just link to it here for you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Great Eve

I had a great evening :)

I spent most of my day shopping for neccessities for the new abode, then had my hair cut (long overdue!) and then got home and started unpacking the various accoutrements required to live a civil life he he he. At some point in the evening I was visited by Wendy, my landlord, and she brought along chicken for Paprika and a full meal for me - very sweet! Anyway, we landed up drinking the two bottles of wine I'd bought today to keep in the cupboard for "just in case" and had a lovely chat. Also, had a psychic reading that was hectic and accurate - confirmed a lot of things I have been feeling and thought and had a lot of things in it I'm edeavouring to forget - you can't live your life waiting for that one moment and putting everything on hold or you f up the entire path to that moment.

Anyway, was a great night for me over all and I'm feeling very happy here which is great. The one thing I am still battling with is company, or lack thereof. I suppose that comes with time, will just have to weather the storm. It's amazing how used to a warm body you get. Sleeping on my own is completely alien to me and will take some adjustment.

Now for todays "interest":

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

All moved in and nowhere to sit

This place is ORSM! Will post pics as soon as I can - alas all my stuff is still at Shereen's place so don't have my camera etc. The only things I have here are my clothes, shoes, laptop, a book, a lamp and a duvet. Thankfully Shereen will be coming round in a bit to bring me a mattress to sleep on until my stuff is moved and dinner :)

My moola still not in from either work or the previous BF, so that kinda sucks, but hopefully that should be sorted by tomorrow.

Paprika is loving it here - she spent two hours running in and out of the sliding door while I was unpacking the clothes etc this afternoon. They have two dogs and a cat as well so some company for her which is cool. The cat has taken a liking to my abode - she's been curled up on my comforter since about 3pm.

That about covers the moving stuffs for now.

Going forward, I'm going to include a link or image of something I've seen that day I like or found interesting. While my life is enthralling, I know, some might want a foray into other areas. Hope you find them interesting / cool too :)

Link to the article on this orsm toy is here

Monday, May 31, 2010

Movie Night

Today was very chilled, most of it spent waiting to go get my money from the psycho bunny which in the end didn't happen - no surprises there.

Had a good evening; just got back from dinner at Spur and watching Iron Man 2 with Guy & Richard @ Brightwater Commons. I think I'm a bit too tired these days to keep up - nearly fell asleep in the movie. Not sure if that's an indication of a crap film or my energy levels... After the film we stopped in at Brightwater's bowling alley / bar and I played one game of pool against Richard; it is very clear I need to stick to being a bar fly :)

Spoke to the new landlord today; all good to start moving in tomorrow so I'm excited about that.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vuvuzela's - just not big enough

Because I'm sure that's what you were thinking! They just can't possibly make enough noise at their current diminutive size. No worries. Fixed.

A Better Weekend After the Previous Week's Insanity

Last weekend and weekend previous were from hell. From mails I sent:

So, turns out I’ve been living with a psycho. Sunday he finds out he can’t
go back to CT because he has no place to stay and no job confirmed, so it dawns
on Mr that he no longer needs me around to look after his stuff and his cats.
Sunday evening he tells me I must leave immediately, never mind the R13k plus he
owes me for the rent and security deposit and food etc I have covered since
we’ve been here; I tell him I move when he pays me. I tell him yesterday
afternoon I have found some places available from the 1st, just need some of the
money he owes me for deposit so I can move. He says he’ll give me R4k end of the
month. He then proceeds to hole himself up in spare room with his bible, goes
out for an hour, then comes back with complex security to have me forcibly
removed. Lease is in his name so I cannot dispute it and am given a whole 20
minutes to pack some clothes and get out.

I am staying with Charlene
until the 1st when I move into garden cottage close to Wanderer’s stadium owned
by orsm off the wall family who I met yesterday morning. Rob is “allowing” me to
go to flat tomorrow to pack rest of my stuff.

I’ll be dragging the c**ts
arse to small claims court – the fact that lease is in his name and payments all
came from my account are apparently enough to do so.

Flabbergasted does
not even BEGIN to describe it.

I got to the flat at about 8am; he took FOREVER to unlock the door, sounded like
he had wrong key or something. Once I was inside I realised why – he’s put those
security vibes in the keyholes – the key that leaves a piece / lock behind in
keyhole to prevent anyone from unlocking the doors with a regular key. Felt like
commenting “I’m not the thief here”. Didn’t bother though, as I said to Roger on
MSN I don’t need to f*** with him mentally, he’s doing a fine job on his own 
So I start packing, then need to get stuff to my car. I look for keys – he’s
taken them upstairs with him LOL. So I have to get him to keep opening gate and
then he stands around waiting so that he can lock it again as soon as i am
inside. At one point he asks me where Lizo is (Eugene’s driver) and I said to
him look you have stuff you wanted to do – if you’re going to stay here guarding
me all day that’s your choice, but I think it’s at least two loads of stuff.
Asked him if he thought I was going to pick up his washing machine and run down
the road with it. The c*** eventually left me to my own devices at around 12.
Thankfully Lizo and the guys managed to do everything in one load so I got to
leave with all my stuff without having to see the prick again.
Spoke to him
about the money, and he reckons he has spoken to his boss and I can come get R4k
cash on Monday from him. With regards to his “payment plan” he says R500 a
month. I initially said fine okay, but after thought hang on – you earn R11k a
month (that’s what I’ve been told, could be more). His bond in CT is paid by
Raph’s rent; his car is paid off, and he lives 8km from work so petrol is
negligible. His rent + water & lights is R5500. So how must I settle for
R500 a month? That’s 17 months of f’n payments. So I ask him about this and he
gets all nasty and says “This is NOT a negotiation, that’s all you are getting”.
I’m not prepared to argue with a nutcase, so I said fine, I’ll sort it out. By
that I mean as soon as I have my R4k, I’m sending Allan his way to explain
nicely to him that I will accept R2k a month.
Last night Shereen and them
had a braai which I stayed for, got back to Pta at about 11:30 and had a good
night’s sleep. Today gonna try get some order out of the 3 suitcases with
clothes shoved in em and go get rat food for Engelbert as its in a box somewhere
LOL. IOW, I’m chilling.

So, that was my last week, and good riddance to the SOB. We'll see tomorrow if it actually does give me the R4k as promised. This past weekend was very cool; Nel and Sandra were here from CT for the weekend so I spent it with them from Friday in Roodepoort and dropped them off this morning at the airport.
Friday we did a ridiculous amount of driving during the day so we just got some Romans pizza and chilled.

Saturday morning we all went to go visit Shereen and it's teh first time Nel saw Kyle so that was cool. From there dropped the two of them off in Sandton so they could go watch the rugby match and I headed off to Brightwater to chill and read until Guy got off work. We had a good few beers then headed to Nicole & Brendan's in Bellevue for dinner. Vegetarian lasagna, salad and home made cheesecake. Must say,m that lasagna was NOM. Must actually get the recipe from Nicole for that.
After dinner headed back to Sandton to go pick up Sandra and Nel and we all four went for a few beers at Paddy's before dropping Guy at home and heading back to Roodepoort.

Had to drop them off at 8 this morn and then headed back "home" to Charlene's. Been chilling all day and had a nice afternoon sleep to catch up on teh lack of it recently. Something is smelling rather tasty so my tummy is looking forward to dinner.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I've had enough of it, truly. Now Rob has done a 360 and has turned nasty. Too many ridiculous accusations and character assassinations to bother going into, suffice to say I'm peeved and disappointed. We'll see how it rides out. Right now he wants me out the house asap, and I can't go anywhere until he pays back the money he owes. Fair is fair. Pay back, I go. Fucking men. You bend over backwards to do the right things and try your utmost to be considerate and you get kicked in the teeth for it every time. I now KNOW I want to stay single for the foreseeable future.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Frisbee and friends

Today was cool, met up with Nicole and Brendan and their kids and had some frisbee fun @ Jhb Botanical Gardens. Rob has gone off to have lunch and watch the rugby with some friends in Centurion, should be back not too late, then hopefully will get some Gears if War playtime in :)

Random peeps pitched at the gardens and invited us to play with them - they were playing frokker and my chest is still a bit stuffed so I elected myself as babysitter of teh sprogs as opposed to playing - was fun to watch though :)

No plans for tomorrow really though I'm hoping to take Paprika to the gardens for a bit of a run around. Right, off to make myself something to eat.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Life, it's looking pretty good :)

I've managed to pull myself out of the funk since Monday and it's been a great week over all. Some drama and downs but nothing worth poring over; the ups have stayed up front and pulled ahead of the pack over all :)

Have started helping out at best buddies place with work stuffs; very mindless but it gets me out of the house, keeps me busy, and should yield a few bob extra so all is good there. Also, this week saw two new things to do wrt Xboxgamer site. Next Wednesday is an Infinia launch for the new LED LG 3D screens which will be cool to check out, and today was a free movie @ Monte. Saw Prince of Persia which was surprisingly orsm - go watch it! After hung about with some reviewers and had coffee and spoke kak which was great fun.

Wednesday eve went to see Diamonds & Dust at The Barnyard - got comps from a newly met friend who is in the production, so that was cool. After we went with him to his local - landed up drinking with newly found friend who happens to be an Irishman til 3 in the morning and being treated to imromptu jazz session courtesy of an American trumpet player who is a friend of the irishman.

Last night spent time with my friend and colleague in Pretoria before heading through to Lynnwood to see a friend who is hear on business from CT. We went out to a cool restaurant and had egte boere kos which was orsm; got home about 11. I am now overtired.

So, a great week and it's noce to know I actually have a life and peeps out there to spend time in it with. Looking forward to being on my own here now.

Monday, May 17, 2010


It's Monday. Another Monday in an endless succession of Monday's. That cold took it out of me for the most part over the past week +; but thankfully it seems to be going away. Been sleeping a lot which has helped but alas has also had the side effect of making me terribly lethargic and completely undriven to do much of anything really. Need to kick myself out of this funk.

Boredom leads to apathy I've found, and I'm really really struggling to bother to do anything more these days than play Treasure Isle on facebook and watch endless episodes of CSI. I know the signs; I'm slipping very close to depression here but I'm not too concerned about it as I know what factors are contributing and those hsould all resolve within the next month at the most. It's just getting through that month that is really proving to be a challenge. Each day seems more meaningless and fruitless than the next. Really lonely today; craving some company of the human variety - the pets just don't quite cut it after a while LOL.

Best friend discussed possibility of me helping out at the office with some stuff they have to do; I don't have enough to keep me busy in my own job at the moment so I'm hoping that'll come through to at least get me out of the damn house and doing something vaguely useful.

Also contemplating volunteer work with one of the animal places; need to read up about what's in my area. Of ocurse, that requires action, which at this point I seem quite incapable of hahahaha. I'll get there eventually, just venting atm.


Saturday, May 8, 2010


*choke cough splutter*

Damn cold has gotten it's hooks into me, feeling like crap today. OD'ing on Med Lemon and Flusin should hopefully have the desired effect; though I suspect a bottle of whiskey would sort it out quicker...

My preview was published, and I've been told there's a possibility of another one next week, so holding thumbs for it as it's a game from a franchise I really enjoy :)

Things between bf (I suppose that's ex bf really) and I are not bad at all; he's being very understanding and supportive about everything and we're doing our best to enjoy each other's company while he's still here, though tearful moments are frequent. He is at work atm, but app very happy about some news - I'm suspecting it has to do with the job in CT and his moving back so I suspect I may be on my own sooner than I anticipated. A very scary thought indeed, but it's for the best in the long run. Must just keep reminding myself of that LOL.

Managed to take paprika for a very short walk about the complex earlier; was contemplating taking her round twice until a tell tale fever sweat broke out and I decided the Med Lemon was calling me back. I've spent the day watching TV and generally just lying about, more of it coming up now.

Like everybody else, I hate being sick :(

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I couldn't think of a suitable title for today, so we'll go with a comment oft used by Eeyore.

It's been a tough couple of days. Hell, it's been a tough half a year if I really want to get to the point. Today saw a turning point in what will hopefully be the beginning of a new chapter and ultimately a start to sorting out my muddled little head. Unfortunately, this neccessitates me being alone to do this, so it also heralds the end of relationship with bf. Things are amicable at present and we've agreed to make the most of each others time before he quite possibly moves back to CT, let's hope it stays this way and we do indeed enjoy each other while we're still living together. An odd and potentially volatile situation, but one that can work if we're both adults about it. Here's hoping. I've had enough stress and drama to last me at least 5 years over the past few months, and I really don't want another enemy.

On that note, something fun and exciting today - I did my first game preview which should be published tomorrow, will post link once it is up. Apparently my writing isn't absolute drivel, so I'm pleased by that LOL.

Spent the evening doing teh write up for the game, then took out Shrlock Holmes on DVD. I don't think I'm in the right frame of mind to watch it as it didn't enthrall me as I expected it would / had been told it would. It was okay.

I'm now going to play some Treasure Isle and then read some Pratchett, and hopefully get a decent nights sleep unmarred by life's tiresome woes.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

It was a dark day for the most part

But in a literal sense - power cuts. Power was off when I got up to take Paprika out for a wee at about 6am, and stayed off until about 6pm. Spent the day reading and sleeping, then popped down to Outer Limits thinking I'd have supper there with bf due to there being no power at home; but bf was busy with reservations coming in, and the idea of dinner on my own just didn't appeal. Left after a cappuccino and picked up some McD's for supper. Got home and power was back on, so decided to get a DVD.

Got New Moon, got home, went to put DVD in PS3 and the power went again. I suspect the emo angst of Bella was just too much for the grid to handle. It came on again, and stayed on for me to watch the film. These sparkly vampires and equally sparkly eyed werewolves do make for some nice eye candy when you're home alone.

Feeling remarkably awake considering the almost 2 bottles of red wine consumed last night on my own and dl'ing tunes til 2:30am. The extra sleep time put in during todays power cuts obv did the trick. Hoping I get sleepy soon though, as there's only so much Treasure Isle I can play and, more importantly, I'm almost out of smokes and still waiting for my pay to clear.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Friday all :)

Well, as far as horror's go, you could do worse than Paranormal Activity. I like the way it was filmed a la Blair Witch documentary style with a total cast of 3. Had that "based on real events" feel which is far preferable to hobgoblins running about disembowling people.

Was meant to go to a press launch vibe today but was cancelled - the attendance, not the launch. So just got back from Wimpy and the shops. Bf has gone back to said shops as I got home to discover the coffee we just bought is in fact beans, and not ground. Will not do I tell you. I haven't had decent coffee (sorry Wimpy, you know it's true) since yesterday morning. Not a good thing. For the safety of human kind it is rather imperitave that this is resolved. At least I'm not the only one who realises this :) There's something about a bad cup of coffee that just makes you crave decent coffee all the more.

Today's plans are few next to none. On me own again this eve; might read, might game, will see later what I'm in the mood for. Coffee has arrived. Hallelujah.
