I've been doing the new lifestyle eating since 4th Feb officially, but have definitely had my cheat days rather regularly :P The beauty of it is it comes right fairly quickly in terms of getting back to your initial weight pre cheating. The bad news? It means you "lose" time on losing weight really - I tend to be yo-yo'ing in a constant range of 2kg's, just missing my personal first big goal - to get under 80 and stay there.
Most recently, Saturday eve was a dinner at Monte Casino for Chicken's work award's dinner, and I cheated - red wine and Jameson's, and having some of the served chocolate mousse. The dessert DEFINITELY wasn't worth it - horrible packet type crap and I would've expected more from the restaurant we were at. I had a few mouthfuls and left it. Alcohol definitely seems to play quite a major role in the weight loss stakes; more so than I would have thought to be honest; though it does seem to "come right" after 3 days - mostly water retention is to blame for the weight spike I tend to experience after a night out of "having a few" I think. I also suspect that my focus has been far too much on the fat content of my new eating plan, and not balanced enough towards veggies, which has also slowed (read - stalled) my weight loss.
So my focus now shifts to trying to incorporate more veggies that are not carb laden (been eating too much butternut) and avoiding more of the hidden carbs in favour of more balanced meals. I got too caught up in the OMG LOOK AT ALL THIS FATTY FOOD THAT'S LEGAL YAY and didn't keep in mind that no matter what you are eating, you still need to do so within reason :P
Hey, I'm still just over 3kg's (NOT 23 as in original post bwahahahahahahaha) lighter than I was at the start of this journey, and I still get to eat great food - I just need to keep in mind I don't need to eat enough to feed a small army!!
Last night's dinner just FYI, and it was great! And I am down this morning versus yesterday :)
I almost forgot to take a pic; hence the half eaten state :P It's pork bangers (Eskort as their meat quality is higher IMO and the carb / 100g count isn't too high) fried in ghee with chopped fresh homegrown chilli from a newly acquired tree I have managed not to kill off as yet, and homemade coleslaw which is carrot, cabbage, Cross & Blackwell Tangy Mayo and a healthy dollop of chilli sauce previously acquired from a homefoods market. Was DELISH.
Breakfast this morning was a homemade soup from my Chicken - baby marrow, cream and blue cheese, and lunch will be beef curry. This evening I'll be making us some chicken livers with cauli mash. So, as you can see, still eating very well, I just need to be more wary of the VOLUME of what I'm eating :)
I've also found that if I lean more towards salads & less towards veggies, then my weight loss speeds up.
ReplyDeleteKeen to hear how the week ahead goes for you. I've just come out of a tough week so hoping this one is a goodie!
Well done lady, have you lost 23kg in 3 weeks from lchf eating plan?? yoh!!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA jeebus no!! My sincere apologies, typo!!! Now corrected :) *blush*