Friday, February 14, 2014

Because NoMu makes everything yummy - cauli rice

Last night's dinner was terribly simple, but I did try my hand at cauli rice for the first time so thought I'd share that at least.

Dinner featured chicken wings with the NoMu Poultry rub (good lord this stuff is good) and I added their African rub to my homemade "smoor" (a fried tomato and onion sauce reduction for you non saffers / terribly english peeps) along with chopped chilli', salt and pepper and a whole lot of butter.

The cauli rice was really easy to do; grated fresh cauliflower heads some time back and stored the result in packets in the freezer. I took out a bag last night, nuked it in the microwave for 6 minutes, and then threw it into the pan I cooked the chicken wings in and turned the heat up. I tossed the cauli rice in the leftover juices (chicken fat and NoMu Poultry rub) and added extra rub for flavour. The "rice" had a slightly crunchy consistency, a fabulous taste and both myself and the other half thought "nutty" when eating it. All the recipes I've read for this state to add finely chopped onion and fry in coconut oil. I like things spicy, and had the chicken fat handy, so it made sense to do it the way I did. It's obviously NOT like the white starchy rice you're used to consuming, but it is really good, and it went fantastically well with the homemade smoor. Will definitely be having this again!

And just so we're clear here - this was not sponsored by NoMu in any way - I just absolutely adore their rubs, pesto mixes and grinders (their smoked salt grinder OMFG), and will always support local where I can.

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